Timothy Rice

The Everlasting Man

A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.

Rating: 4.5/5 – Beautiful writing and a unique perspective on apologetics.

I started this book on the recommendation of C.S. Lewis, for whom it was an instrumental part of his conversion.

This is a literary, poetic, and totally unique approach to apologetics that I have never encountered before, all told in beautiful, enchanting prose.

Chesterton makes two principle arguments: That man is wholly unlike the other animals and that Jesus is wholly unlike the other men. On this foundation he builds his case for the truth and power of the Gospel over all other supposedly competing narratives.

The Everlasting Man left me with a host of new thoughts and a desire to read a lot more Chesterton’s other works. I don’t know if I can pay a book a bigger compliment than that.

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