Timothy Rice

The Pride of Chanur

Friend. All Friend.


Rating: 2.5/5 – Ehhhhh.

I read this on the recommendation of Jo Walton who listed it alongside Ada Palmer’s Terra Ignota and Rosemary Kirsein’s Steerswoman as a book that “grabbed her”, which is my favorite type of book.

Naturally, I had very high expectations, all of which fell completely flat. Perhaps it was how dated the book felt, full of incorrect 80’s assumptions about the future. Or perhaps it was the general failure of the premise (what if humans were the aliens?), as the other species felt more like a different human society than a group of truly alien beings.

In any case, I’m going to drop the series at the first entry. I still intend to read more Cherryh in the future, as I’ve heard almost universally high praise, but I was disappointed in my first foray to her works.

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