Timothy Rice
The Witness for the Dead
In grieving for a murderer, thou art not grieving for the monstrous. Thou grievest for the man who failed to reject the monstrous act.

Rating: 4/5
– Recommended without hesitation
Read if you liked:
The Goblin Emperor
Set in the same world as the Goblin Emperor, The Witness for the Dead follows Thara Celahar – a minor character from the the Goblin Emperor – in his assignment as the Witness for the Dead in the city of Amalo. As Witness, he is responsible for investigating suspicious deaths of the people in his city.
Like its predecessor, the book’s plot is very gentle, more focused on the protagonist’s emotional journey. The real treasure is the friends we make along the way! Similar to Goblin Emperor, my favorite part of this book was the mellow pace of exposition. The author has a tremendous skill when it comes to weaving in expository tidbits here and there amidst the greater plot. I appreciated the effect more in the Goblin Emperor, where it put the reader in the same mindset as the titular character, but I still enjoyed it here.
Overall, there isn’t much to say about The Witness for the Dead. If you liked The Goblin Emperor And you should, it’s a great book! you’ll almost certainly enjoy this one too.
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